石見焼は経済産業大臣の指定を受けた工芸品です。\r島根県ふるさと伝統工芸品にも指定を受けております。\r国の伝統的工芸品の指定を受けた「石見焼」の中の窯元。\r地元浜田産の粘土と県内産の釉薬を主に使用し、素朴な色合いでどの作品からもあたたかみを感じられます。\r茶器セット8点\rすべて新品未使用品です。お祝い事でいただきました。ほしい方にお譲りします。すべて印ありです。\r\r~automatic translation~\rIwami ware is a craft designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.\rIt is also designated as a Shimane Prefecture hometown traditional craft.\rA kiln in \"Iwami ware\", which has been designated as a national traditional craft.\rMainly using clay from local Hamada and glaze from within the prefecture, you can feel the warmth from each work with rustic colors.Purchase price 55,000 yen.\r\r8 piece tea set\rAll new and unused. I got it for a celebration. I will give it away to anyone who wants it. All are marked.